Had some interesting discussion on the term "sin" and whether or not heaven/hell is existent, and in which cases would a person be sentenced to hell, or under what circumstances would he be put through purgatory. It was some two hour talk with my bro and mom. somewhere there.
Many things seem to be contradicting themselves, its really difficult to define sin. Lying's a sin, Committing suicide is a sin, Killing's a sin. They say a person who criticizes others excessively might be put to hell. A serial killer would be there, too. Wouldn't it be unfair for the criticisive being?
Before I start, I mean NO offense to anybody. Nobody. Just a set of random questions and I'm sure I'll change my mindset one day.
the topic's rather interesting imho. I'm not a devoted Catholic I must admit, haven't been to church for..a year or two I guess. I'm definitely not anti-christ though, I see myself as a growing teenager who has her doubts about her religion purely because so many questions can't seem to be answered. Nobody knows if there's really a God up there, but many people believe in him because they have the faith to make them carry on in life, to give them strenth and all.
As for me, I really don't know. Would a non-believer be put in hell, because she chooses not to believe anything about the spiritual world? Is there heaven and hell to begin with? There's no proof for everything, so if "you don't need to know if there's really a God, you just need to believe", is God there? There's so many questions I have but as my brother puts it,
why do you need to question so much about it? believing is for your own good. Think about it, why do you want to question?
I couldn't answer him.
If a person showers love over others just because he doesn't want to go to hell, would that put him in heaven? I don't think that's what love is truly about, it ain't pure. Love's the greatest thing on earth, if you love others you'd be in heaven with God, right? But the person really did show his love towards others, so which is it?
Okay look at this situation. First, know that committing suicide IS a sin.
You have a loved one who's suffering from a terminal disease, and she wants to end her life because the disease is incurable and there's no point in her suffering (ignore the phrase "even suffering has its meaning") . Right, so she says, please pull off that tube (whatever it is) and let me rest in peace.
By pulling that tube (or whatever), you're actually killing a person. BUT, you're doing that out of love. You don't want to see her suffer AND you don't get ANY form of benefits from doing so. You're actually making yourself suffer too due to the loss of your loved one. So is that killing a sin?
You won't go to hell IF you're guilty for killing somebody, you'll be put through purgatory, so in the above situation which is it?
For example, you're cutting vegetables one day and a random person pops up in front of you, and ANOTHER random person grabs your hand and kills random person 1 using the knife you're holding in your hands. (knife still in your hands) There wasn't any chance for you to retaliate or anything. But you're the one holding the knife, and you feel guilty because you indirectly killed somebody.
Hey, you didn't kill the person actually. it wasn't your fault AT ALL. but still, a life is lost because you happen to be cutting vegetables with a knife, a potential weapon. Would God make you innocent, or would you be put through purgatory or hell? If its purgatory, wouldn't it be unfair, because what happened wasn't under your control.
A terrorist asks a person to bomb place xx, and tells him that it is for the LOVE of his country, because the place he's about to bomb is his enemy. The terrorist tells him that he is defending his own country, and thus it is a noble deed for the sake of his own country. Convinced that that is the case, the person sacrifices his life and bombs place xx.
Many innocent lives were lost, the person who actually did the bombing is being cursed by many. But, is he really that guilty? He did it for the pure intention of wanting to do something good for his country, he might have been hypnotised into doing so. Of course, we all know the terrorist who planned everything should DEFINITELY be put in hell, but how about this poor soul? Purgatory in this case is of course very reasonable, but would he be put in hell too?
I spent the two hours or so last night, formatting these kind of situations, wanting to know what type of answer there'll be. Those very-difficult-to-judge kind of questions. Now I have to know why I question so much, I don't have the answer yet. My brother says everything in my mind seems to be black and white, and that there's no grey areas. Hmm.
After asking all these questions (that might actually offend loads of devoted christians, sorry), I actually have a better understanding of why people see a need for their religion. Nobody cares if there's really a God up there, they just chose to believe to become stronger, to be able to love, to have a sense of security..there's so many other reasons.
So why the hell do I still have so many questions in my head?
for who knows what reason, i stumbled upon lizst's wikipedia page yesterday (and started clicking on other links). Don't know how i got there in the first place. o_O wikipedia really rocks. Anybody has any piano scores to lend me? Particularly Lizst's Soirees de vienne, Au bord d'ure? I've been playing Chopin's Minute waltz and only the first 20 bars of fantasie impromptu (laugh out loud -.-). Fantasie Impromptu is gay. I miss my teacher zzz.
and the studio ghibli pieces. i wonder if i told anybody about how I blew SG 38.70 on this studio ghibli piano book when i was in HK. (laugh out load again). but its still worth it ^_^
But anyway, I should be filling my head with questions about GEOG and CHEM. nothing else.
life's not just about work or play, true. But I'll have to stop writing (there's so much more to yesterday's conversation) due to my workload.
Ironic, eh?
anon: haha! i like secrets

{hahaha i'm not telling! queue the song?}
fish: u mention me like only for 5 times mama!! u are supposed to dedicate a WHOLE post to me!! btw.. yannis is retarded!!
fish: and i love u mama. (many hearts)
{haha 5 times is alot! okay i'll dedicate to you after concert or something okay! :D hahahaha why everybody's saying she's retarded LOLL. i love you too KHNGahyu!}
ashleY: heyhey EMMA! wad's it about pri6 that u rmb? hahah
{heyhey ashley! hahaha reproduction in plants! and i still remember what you did in pri4 hahahah!}
Eliz: heyx yo! hahas yeah WE;RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! & i assure u YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS WEEK! cox uve got ME XP
{hey yo! WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! aww you're bhb AS USUAL xD lol you'll survive cause you've got me too!:D}
anqi: awww haha! k lar i'll try but i'm seriously a lazy pig!

{hahahaha yeah you must! don't be a lazy pig! :D OINK!}
sheena: OF COURSE OLDIES are the best... make it a better place.. for you and for me and the entire human race

{YEAHMAN! LET'S SING TOMORROW! HAAHA. there are., people dying, if you care enough for the living..make a better place, for you and for me}
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